Circular Steel for Mass Market Applications

Introducing scrap-based Electric Arc Furnace steel for a greener circular economy in mass-market sheet metal goods

A factory worker inspects a partially assembled car frame on an automotive production line. Credit: Volvo Cars


Towards a greener and circular scrap-based steel production

The aim of CiSMA project is to introduce 100% recycled Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) steel products into mass-market steel sheet consumer goods. This will contribute to cut CO2 emissions, boost circular economy and reduce EU’s foreign dependency on critical raw materials in key European sectors, such as the automotive, professional laundry equipment and other engineering industries.

CiSMA will maximize the use of post-consumer scrap by developing four 100% recycled sheet steel products produced in Electric Arc Furnace. To accomplish this will require improved knowledge about trace elements present in post-consumer scrap, and how to avoid their adverse effects on steel quality.

These materials will be demonstrated in a full value chain, from scrap to end users, with a toolbox of tests methodologies and Machine Learning-enhanced modelling tools. The steel developed will enable the integration of recycled EAF steel products in components from the automotive and commercial laundry solutions industries.


Improving the EU steel sheet industry towards a greener society 

Steel is one of the most used materials in the EU, feeding across almost all sectors, and particularly construction and automotive, but also engineering applications. Many consumer goods reaching the European public include steel parts, meaning that improving steel sustainability will ripple down the production chain. 

The European steel industry is committed to global climate goals and aims to reduce CO2 emissions from production by at least 50% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This ambition will require profound change in the next two decades, and CiSMA offers competitive solutions.

75% reduced greenhouse gas emissions

Introducing EAF-produced steels will contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from production by more than 75% compared to traditional blast furnace process.

Up to 100% of scrap charges as raw materials CiSMA project will contribute to reduce EU foreign dependency on raw materials enhancing the reuse of raw materials present in ferrous scrap that currently is mainly exported outside the EU.

The four, 100% recycled, steel products developed in CiSMA will contribute to accomplish recycling goals and implement circular economy approaches, aligned with the ambitious recycling goals set by the European Commission.

“CiSMA will help to cut down emissions in steel production by more than 75 percent and use up to 100 percent scrap loads”

Portrait of Jaume Pujante, the CiSMA Technical Coordinator.

Jaume Pujante
CiSMA’s technical coordinator, Eurecat Technology Centre

Project approach

A full value chain for introducing more sustainable EAF-based recycled steels into the mass market 

Molten metal pours from a furnace in an industrial steel foundry.

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Project news

Upcoming events

ESTEP Spring Dissemination Event

5-6 June
Krakow (Poland)


7-11 July
Munich (Germany)

Project news

Upcoming events

ESTEP Spring Dissemination Event

5-6 June
Krakow (Poland)


7-11 July
Munich (Germany)

Meet the team

CiSMA project consortium

CiSMA presents an ambitious project, tackled by an international consortium built on a solid base of industrial participation, complemented by research entities bringing specific tests and specialized knowledge. 

European Countries
A group of 27 people, members of the CiSMA consortium. Picture taken during the Kick off meeting.

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